Welcome to the pumpkin seed oil online store!

The onlineshop for styrian pumpkin seed oil – locally called: Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A.

We are a Styrian family business and produce our seed oil only from our own pumpkin seeds. For the consumer, the traceability from the field to the bottle of the “Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A.” is ensured by a state-accredited inspection body by means of a banderole on the cap of the bottle.

The pumpkin seed oil has been sensed for color, taste, cleanliness and consistency by a panel of examiners and tested for quality and ingredients by a state-approved food laboratory.

Our pumpkin seed oil has been awarded for years by the Examination Committee of the Landwirtschaftskammer Styria, and thus corresponds to its high standard. For more information visit: www.steirisches-kuerbiskernoel.eu

g.g.A. Pumpkin seed oil - onlineshop

Only companies with excellent oils are allowed to mark the bottle with the gold plaque “Prämierter Steirischer Kernölbetrieb”.

In our shop you will find different quantities and can pay by bank transfer or conveniently by PayPal.

Do you want to enjoy it?

Prämierung 2024
steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2023
steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2022
steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2021
steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2020
Prämiertes steirisches Kürbiskernöl 2019
Kernöl Prämierung 2018
Kernöl Prämierung 2017
Kernöl Prämierung 2016
Kernöl Prämierung 2015
Prämierung 2024 steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2023 steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2022 steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2021 steirisches Kürbiskernöl ggA-Prämierung 2020 Prämiertes steirisches Kürbiskernöl 2019 Kernöl Prämierung 2018 Kernöl Prämierung 2017 Kernöl Prämierung 2016 Kernöl Prämierung 2015